Top 30 Third-Party Inspection Company in China You can Trust

TESTCOO/December 25, 2023

Buyers always suffer huge losses due to quality problems with goods purchased overseas. An obvious way to control the problem is to find an inspection company in China to check the quality before shipping.

An effective way to solve this issue is to find a Chinese inspection company to conduct a pre-shipment inspection. A professional third-party inspection company can effectively help you reduce risks, avoid shipping delays, reduce return rates and so on.

Therefore there are so many inspection companies in China and how to find a reliable product inspection company for your business?

How much does an Inspection cost in China?

The China inspection service rates range from $149 to $320 per man-day which simply means you’ll be looking to pay this rate per product quality inspector per day. On average, this pays for 8-12 hours of product quality inspections time.

Note that inspectors are charged per person per day, so the inspection fees will depend on how long it takes to perform inspection for your goods.

It’s worth noting that all product quality inspections will be priced differently depending on what you need. Some reputable third-party inspection companies will charge additional fees depending on how far their inspector has to travel, which may involve you needing to pay for additional man-days.

This goes without saying, but as part of your inspection, sampling, photographs, and your product inspection report should be included in the price. If the third-party inspection company you’ve chosen tries to charge you more for a report, larger sampling sizes, or product photographs, then this is a red flag.

Note:Third Party Inspection Company charges for per man per day.

Understanding the Cost of Quality Inspections in China Service.

This general man-day definition: "a unit of one day's work by one person" seems to be the most suitable for all cases. In the quality control industry the man-day is considered as a workload unit, which is very similar. From the buyer's point of view, the "man-day" is a system that allows direct and quick QC cost calculations.
"Man": both women and men work as inspectors. Qualified staff is crucial for reliable quality control. Inspectors spend their time checking products quality and conformity in factories in order to protect the importers' interests.
"days": A meaningful inspection takes four to six hours. Inspectors should only perform one QC per day, to ensure reliable results.

When booking an inspection order, about 80% of buyers will ask us how much does it cost to inspect a batch of goods? Then they are told that the inspection fees are charged per person per day that is man-days.

Most third-party QC providers, including TESTCOO, will bill you for their inspection services using what are called “man-days”. Man-days are a unit of time for measuring how long one inspector is needed for a service. The number of hours in a man-day can vary by QC provider.

But an inspector doesn’t spend all their time billed checking your goods. There are also several other necessary steps in the inspection process that are counted in that man-day, including:

-QC inspection budget

-Traveling to the factory or inspection site (often for an hour or more)

-Preparing the inspection area, which can vary depending on the readiness of the facility

-Pulling a random sample of goods (when using acceptance sampling)

-Writing the inspection report on-site

-Submitting the report to technical staff in the home office for review and approval

-Returning from the factory or inspection site

All of these activities take time and all contribute to the time allotted in a standard man-day. It’s a 12-hour job that involves a lot more than one typically thinks. And depending on the time needed for these, your inspector may have less time to actually examine and test your product than you might expect.

In addition to labor costs, travel expenses may also apply if the factory is far from the nearest importer. 

How the Number of Units Inspected Affects Your Inspection Costs

The quantity of units to inspect is a major determinant in how much you’ll pay for inspection. The larger the sample size, the more man-days required for inspection.

For most consumer goods, it’s usually impractical to inspect 100 percent of an order of hundreds or thousands of units. Instead, third-party Inspection Company will often suggest inspecting a random sample from which the overall quality level of the shipment can be inferred.

TESTCOO and many other inspection company in China commonly use acceptable quality levels (AQL), a system based on acceptance sampling, to determine a statistically significant sample size (related: Acceptable Quality Level (AQL)).

What If Your Budget is Low?

What can you do if the budget is too high (maybe your entire order is worth $500)?

Here Are Some Alternatives:

-Find some companies that charge low fees ($149, TESTCOO), but you need to keep your eyes open and carefully identify the quality of their services.

-Ask the supplier for many photos and possibly a live video showing many photos (easy for WeChat in China).

-Ask the supplier to send you some production samples.

-Maybe you can’t buy “Chinese products” directly while keeping the risk low. You need to work with wholesalers.

For most importers, cost is a major factor. You probably don’t want to take the chance of shipping your goods to customers without verifying the quality first. At the same time, you don’t want to pay more than necessary to get a reasonable inspection scope.

Managing costs can be challenging for importers working with one of dozens of professional QC providers offering their services. The best QC provider for you may be one that’s conscious of your budget and willing and able to work with you to accommodate it.

What Are the 5 Types of Quality Inspection?

Choose Best Suppliers

Catch Problems Early

Verify Quality Before Shipment

Factory audit

Sample test

Pre-production inspection

During production inspection

Pre-shipment inspection

Container loading inspection

Suppliers selection





% of Finished Production

Suppose you bought a batch of widgets from a Chinese supplier. You noticed that there were some misunderstandings and mistakes in quality when they prepared the samples and sent them to you.

It makes you a little nervous. You choose to work with a China inspection agent to set a China quality control inspection services first.

What will they do at least?

A Final Random Inspection a few days before shipment. This is the correct number of times. Make sure to pick samples randomly from the entire batch and inspect those samples. If your requirements are not met, or the quality is inconsistent, the inspector’s report will show.

We recently started to adopt a different approach with the help of our clients to do the quality control in China:

They start with a piece by piece inspection in China (paid by the manufacturer)

They see what defects come up most often.

They advise the manufacturer to decrease the most frequent defects.

If the proportion of defectives goes below a certain target, they switch to random inspections (paid by the importer)

If the proportion of defectives goes back up, they switch back to full inspection/piece-by-piece inspection (paid by the manufacturer)

In the mid-to-long run, it decreases the costs for the importer by forcing the factory to solve the real issues.

How to Arrange a China Quality Inspection Service?

Suppose you want to arrange for a quality inspection of your product in China.

What I need to tell quality inspection company?

-Supplier contact information, factory address (otherwise, they will ask for it from the supplier)

-Product description, photos, maybe a short video

-Description of packaging

-State your quality standards and what you can/can’t accept.

-Quantity classification (for example, if there are multiple models, sizes, or colors, they need to know)

Also, if possible, make sure they have physical samples on hand. It’s helpful because some aspects of touch and feel don’t communicate well, even in the video…

11I have compiled some top third party inspection companies. We choose third party quality control companies not only for high-quality prices, good service, but more importantly, to provide you with some flexibility in each inspection list.



Main Service

Company Location




Inspection company in China,

product inspection, factory audit, Amazon FBA inspection




Testing, inspection, certification


+86 400 099 6058



Assurance, testing, inspection, certification



TÜV Rheinland

Testing/assessment, certification/auditing, training, inspection/Supervision, consulting/project management





Testing and product certification, Auditing and system certification, Inspection, training, advisory

Germany /Shanghai

+86 21 6141 0123



Certification, testing




China certification and inspection Company;

inspection, identification, certification and testing




Testing company in China,

Testing, certification, inspection, training, audit




Testing, inspection, audit, certification, professional services, software solutions

Hong Kong

400 009 8282



Testing company in China,

Measurement and Calibration, Environmental and Reliability Testing, Safety Test and Certification




Inspection company in China,

product inspection, factory audit





3rd quality control company in China

Inspection, Suppliers Audit, Testing Services



CIS China Inspection Service

Inspection company in China,

Factory Audit and Product Inspection services

Hong Kong



Inspection company in China,

Product Inspection, Supplier Audit, Lab Expertise




Supply chain management, product engineering, quality assurance


+852 8175 8177


AQI Service

Product inspection, audit and testing



Pro QC

Product quality, factory & supplier audits, management system audits


+86 755-2681 7742


Tetra Inspection

Product inspection, supplier audit, Certificate




Testing, inspection, certification

Hong Kong


CIS Commodity Inspection Services

Inspections, analysis, CU TR Certification, Sudan SSMO




Tailor-made inspection, audit, certification and testing




A world leader in food, environment, pharmaceutical and cosmetic product testing, discovery pharmacology, forensics, advanced material sciences.




Inspection company in China,

Inspection, audit, testing, certification




Inspection company in China,

Product inspection



VIS Quality Control

Product inspections, testing, factory audit, certifications


+84 28 2218 0050


Global Inspection Managing

Manufacturing audit, onsite Inspections

Hong Kong

(+852) 8176 7196


INSIGHT Quality Service

Product inspection, factory audits




Product quality inspection services, factory audit

Hong Kong



Global Trade Specialists

Product design, engineering, prototyping, and production sourcing




Sunchine Inspection

Inspection, Testing, Certification


How To Work with an Inspection Company in China?

Following these advicea can be much helpful for your business.

1. Choose a China Inspection Agent that Understands Your Specifications and Standards 

If you need help with your products, they may be able to help you define some product specifications. If you can’t exchange emails (or talk about) your requirements with someone who can provide thoughtful feedback, your Supplier will feel that the newcomer is pulling them away from you. This is not your goal…

2. Make Sure the People Working in the Factory Know What You Can’t Accept 

What types of defects are acceptable, what problems must be kept to a tiny number, and what is an absolute disaster. (This is part of a good spec.)

If you don’t do that, you need to reassure your Supplier: “We’ll review the report together, and if an alleged major or critical issue is reported, please don’t hesitate to send us some samples immediately.”

3. Develop a Proper Inspection Plan 

It may include inspection of major components, the first finished product, or final sampling. The goal is to cover the main risks identified. 

4. Communicate in the Right Way

Don’t say, “We will send a third party QC company,” as this may scare some suppliers. Instead, it should say, “We are working with China inspection agents to confirm the quality of the goods prior to dispatch.” 

5. Agree on Who Should Pay and How Much. 

There are two corners here. If your order is over $10,000, you may be able to get your Supplier to agree in writing that they will reimburse you for re-inspections in case serious quality issues are discovered. 

I suggest simple wording like this:

[Buyer] reserves the right to perform the following quality control activities and any other activities not described below.

China Quality Control Inspection Services: Random inspection of products according to ISO2859-1 standard (single-stage, normal severity, level depends on the situation). The Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) is 0% critical defects, 2.5% major defects, and 4.0% minor defects.

If product inspection is rejected, [Buyer] has the right to request a re-inspection, the cost of which will be re-invoiced to [Supplier]. And so on until [Buyer] accepts inspection.

If found defective or out of specification, [Supplier] will inspect the entire quantity and sort it from the bulk quantity. If re-production is not possible, [Supplier] shall notify [Buyer] immediately. 

On the other hand, if your order is very low, the opposite may result in you may have to pay the Supplier $20-$50 for extra (someone to help unpack and repack the shipment, coordinate dates with the QA agent, etc.). 

6. Provide Feedback on the QC Report

An easy way is to print the report, write some comments by hand, scan it and email it to the Supplier. Indicate what needs to be sorted and reworked and what good work for the production is.

If inspectors are too lax or too strict, make sure their standards are adjusted appropriately in the future. We often see QA as a facilitator of communication if done well. Feedback is immediately passed on to all employees in the plant. 

7. Be Firm when They Fight Back. 

Tell them it’s your company policy, a request from a big client, or that the company boss got upset and implemented it across the workforce…anything that shows there’s no room for negotiation.


Developing a basic quality control plan with inspection company in China for every new supplier is a matter of little time that can save a lot of time and money.

It can be standardized and sent to every supplier with minor modifications. Buyers are advised to discuss with the manager of the supplier company and sign/stamp a contract. If you need China inspection service, please submit an inquiry below. 

If you need some practical experience in quality control, you can definitely discuss with us. As a Chinese inspection company, we can provide product inspection, factory audit, lab testing, and Amazon FBA inspection. If you need it, you can get the most suitable quotation from us. Check  a sample report.

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