amfori BSCI Social Compliance Supplier Audit: An Efficient Method to Evaluate Your Supply Chain

TESTCOO/October 22, 2021
amfori BSCI supplier assessment

BSCI supplier audit is one of the most popular supply chain assessment methods around the world to evaluate the social compliance policy in a factory.

What is BSCI Certification?

BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) was founded in 2003 for the development of tools and procedures for European Business Social Compliance Programmes. The BSCI Certification is designed on the basis of labour standards of the ​​​​​​​International Labour Organisation(ILO)  and other important international regulations, such as the UN Charter for Human Rights, and national regulations.  In 2018, BSCI was changed to be amfori BSCI, which has attracted more than 2400 members from 46 countries.

To maintain and monitor the social standards of the consumer goods in all the supplier countries, BSCI acts as a common European platform of retailers, industry, and importing companies. The coordinated efforts of the retail industry in Europe for implementing a standard code of conduct is represented through BSCI.  It is voluntary and helps in improving the working conditions in supplier countries.

amfori Code of Conduct

The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct is a commitment document for amfori members and their business partners to exercise human rights due diligence and environmental protection in their global supply chains in line with internationally recognized principles. 

amfori BSCI provides a Code of Conduct with a set of values and principles that help amfori members improve their own policies and practices, such as updating purchasing contracts to conduct business responsibly. These principles apply to all sectors worldwide and comply with international regulations (e.g., International Labour Organization, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights).  

What are the advantages of BSCI Supplier Audits?

-Laying the foundation for future business relationships, which will help in gaining advantages in the tender procedures.

-Strengthening the trust of customers, consumers, and business partners and employees; and exposure to new marketing possibilities.

-demonstrating a responsible and safe production and working conditions.

-Improving the management of the value chain.

-Saving costs by the avoidance of multiple audits.

Also, it serves as a proof of better working conditions and other social commitments and creates a basis for perfect SA8000 certification.

What are the main components of BSCI Supply Audit?

-Legal Compliance

-Freedom of an Association

-Right to Collective Bargaining

-Prohibition on Discrimination


-Working Hours

-Workplace Health and Safety

-Prohibition of Child Labour

-Prohibition of Forced Labour and Disciplinary Measures

-Environment and Safety Issues

-Management Systems

BSCI audit: Prohibition of Child Labour​​​​​​​

What are the key features of BSCI?

  • The BSCI does not issue certificate.

    -The factory premises can display the cover page of an audit report that outlines the audit’s results and its validity. It can be  used as proof of an audit.

BSCI has 2 membership systems.

    -Regular membership- It applies to retail, trading, brand, and importing companies with an active role in the supply chain. It integrates their suppliers into the BSCI Certification auditing and qualification process.

    -The associate membership- It applies to those companies or associations that do not have an active role in the supply chain.

A BSCI database contains information on the supplier’s profile and auditing results of all BSCI member.

    -This BSCI database helps in avoiding unnecessary multiple audits, which is costly. It also tracks non-compliance issues, which highlights the areas where training of the suppliers is essential. This data is helpful in evaluating the performance of all the BSCI activities each year.

BSCI is a participatory platform.

    -All the members are invited for developing the BSCI system and its services.

For finding the right partners to implement the BSCI system, the BSCI service provider directory is very helpful.

Which companies require BSCI Supply Audits?

For the companies operating in international market, and cooperating with the supplier companies abroad, BSCI is really helpful. The supplier audits are important for the companies aiming at strengthening their responsible corporate action, both internally and in the supply chain.

As globalization develops, more and more international companies are cooperating with local manufacturers. TESTCOO, a third-party company specialized in manufacturers inspection and audits, provides many kinds of social and ethical compliance audits for factories in lots of countries, like China, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Brazil, Mexico, etc. Contact TESTCOO for a supply chain assessment solution for your manufacturer.

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