How Do We Make 1+1 More Than 2. Testcoo Knows

TESTCOO/October 22, 2021

By the power of Integration.

To do business with a large firm in most of the business fields are secure, however in the field of inspection industry. You may not want to ask a traditional big firm for help, they may not be able to arrange your order in time, not to mention the fact large firms do also have a lack of control over corruption issues, which in the Inspection industry, a fatal issue. Testcoo believes, the ultimate solution for this industry is integration.

1.International business service companies should not limited their service to only local area, although they do not do that is because they do not have enough human resource and they do not want to share business information to other buyers. Yet, we are welcoming an era of sharing. Monopoly is forever an unreachable goal. By sharing business information with each other, the market is cleaner and broader.

2.To save cost for your client is actually earn profit for them, it is the sustainable business growth format. Testcoo  can help clients reduce their time and cost expenses by self-help online ordering system. Ordering before 12 pm, same day inspection; ordering after 12pm, inspection will be arranged next day.

3.Innovative big data analysis over factory details and inspectors details help buyers to better manage, monitor and analyze product quality.

How do we make 1+1 more than 2? Testcoo knows by the power of integration, 1+1 equal to far more than just 2. As the first “Internet+Inspection”third party quality service  with the concept of “Digital Globalization”in China, Testcoo provide inspection, testing, auditing on-line service for “Sell global and Buy global” customers,we integrate resources, break the traditional mode, reshape the industry ecosystem, commence the new era of internet and inspection.

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