


If question 1 to 5 has score 如果问题序号1~5 得分小于8分或者验厂总分低于50%,验厂结果即为严重不合格. 工厂应该于验厂后10个自然日内提供整改 报告给验厂公司。总分低于80%,验厂结果即为不合格 ,总分不低于80%,验厂结果即为合格。 总分低于80% 的工厂必须于33个自然日内 提交 整改报告给验厂公司。 总分不低于80% 的工厂无须提交整改报告。

1. Is the factory in compliance with Cencosud's Child Labor Policy?

2. Is the factory in compliance with the forced labor laws of the country?

3. Are there sufficient and open (unlocked during working hours) exits for an emergency (Shall >1 if the area >4,000 sq. ft.
and >30 workers work in that area)?
工厂厂区有足够的逃生门吗, 工作时间逃生门是开着的吗?(如果厂区>4,000平方尺,工人人数>30人, 逃生通道必须超过一个)?

4. Wages payment documented indicates compliance with legal regulations minimum wages, overtime payment are documented on the pay slips/pay registers?If payment is calculated per unit, employees shall be able to gain at least the legal minimum wage (on average) within regular working hours.工资表显示8小时5天工作制所得薪金符合国家及当地最低工资水平吗?

5. Are there fire safety equipments on site?

6. Are there specified personnel take responsibility for organize the evacuation in case of fire or other emergency? Does worker trained or
instructed on how to evacuate in case of emergency?
工厂有指定人员负责发生紧急情况时组织疏散撤离吗? 工人有培训或指导紧急情况下如何逃生吗?

7. When worker is exposed to a risky working condition, does he/she have necessary safety equipment and training to prevent an accident?
当工人暴露在恶劣的工作环境中, 他们有必要的安全措施和培训防止安全事故吗? 例如粉尘车间需要戴口罩、有皮带轮的地方需要戴帽子,女生不能露长发,缝制车间需装挡针器、冲压须有安全开关, 切割要有金 属保护手套, 焊接抛光要有护目镜,模具车间须有保护工作鞋,带电作业区域应有绝缘手套, 异味区域应佩戴防毒面具等。

8. Is there ventilation which keeps the factory with fresh air?

9. Is fresh drinking water readily available to workers? Are there any special area for eat, drink or smoking? Is the condition of the dining
facilities acceptable for the area (1 workable disinfection cabinet and 1 fridge is a minimum requirement) ?
车间有干净的饮用水供员工饮用吗?车间员工有专门的地方吃饭,喝水和抽烟吗?工厂就餐设施条件符合要求吗 (一个可以工作的消毒柜和一个冰箱被是最低要求)?

10. Is there adequate first aid box which provides antiseptic, mercurochrome, bandage, burn cream, surgical gloves, etc. available throughout the factory? (Definition of adequate : At least one first aid box/100 workers in a workshop)

11. Is the condition of the living quarters acceptable for the area (Does living area equip with lighting, bathroom, bed, windows for ventilation) ?

12. Are there sufficient toilets in the working area? (2 for 6-25 staff, 3 for 60 staff, 4 for 75 staff, 5 for 160 staff is considered sufficient)

厂区有足够的厕所蹲位吗 ? (25人以下2个蹲位,60人以下3蹲位,75人4蹲位,160人5蹲位即认为是足够的)?

13. Are the any steps taken to mitigate or reduce the climate change for example by minimizing or eliminating the generation of solid waste and
waste water, and making more efficient the use of energy and water? by improving processes, preventative maintenance, substituting
materials and by seeking to reuse or recycle them?

14. Does supplier with products sold to Cencosud follow Cencosud's restrict and banned Chemical list?
